Friday, April 15, 2011


Just heard from Mum who heard from the Realtor who has, in turn, finally heard from the seller.  We have our counter-offer.  Unfortunately I am at work and my spreadsheet is at home.  So I don’t know for sure how their counter-offer fits in with my needs for the property.  At first blush it still looks doable, but before I call the realtor and accept I have to do a little more homework.

Now if only my Federal refund check will come in… 
* crosses finger & toes & everything else! *

UPDATE:  The spreadsheet says it’s outside of my parameters.  The plan was to arrange the payments to be equal to or less than what I am paying now for storage.  Looks like it’s a miss.  By $5.00 a month.  Hope I can swing it…  :-)  

BTW: The check was not in the mail tonight.  Grumblegrumble!


Anonymous said...

$5 a month isn't much---in the big picture of thing--Won't you give another offer?

HerrBGone said...

I replied to an email from the Realtor where I mentioned that that the counter was 'outside my parameters' and requesting more details. For example, what ever became of my $2,000.00 allowance regarding my letting the seller not clean up the place? We'll see what comes of it.