Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Update, such as it is...

I had an email from the Realtor this evening replying to my voice-mail from last night.  It turns out they are having a hard time making contact with the seller.  He's apparently moved out of the area and has become hard to reach.


Some delay on their end may be a good thing as I'm still waiting for my Federal refund check to come in, but zoiks!  This may complicate things just a bit.


Anonymous said...

oh dear----hope he is not ill---and if he is just a recluse---oh brother----

HerrBGone said...

Actually the Realtor has said "he has some health issues." What and how bad I have no idea. I'm hoping it's just that he's moved down south. Of course if he'd made a point to keep the Realtor that's listed his jail, I mean, his house appraised of his contact information it would help!