Friday, May 6, 2011

Another analogy

I am a Space Shuttle Pilot.*  I’m well trained and I’m among the best of the best at what I do.

Putting me in a Nuclear Submarine and expecting my training in the Shuttle to directly transfer to a similar level of competency piloting the Submarine is nonsense!

Both the Shuttle and the Submarine are vehicles.  They both go from one place to another and they both operate in a challenging and dangerous three-dimensional environment. They are both very complex systems.  And they both do their jobs well.

But even with those similarities it is obvious that they are totally different.  The user interface is incompatible and the skills needed to operate them safely much less with any degree of proficiency are not transferable.  And asking me to fly the Space Shuttle underwater to do the job of the Submarine is simply stupid!

If you need something welded together don’t use duct tape!

If you need a facilities guy to work in AutoCAD don’t ask a product guy who specializes in SolidWorks to slap something together for you! 

Mickey Mouse is a cartoon.  He has no place in engineering!

What’s more, I have Asperger’s Syndrome.  Don’t force me to work under a tight time-line on a high visibility project in an area where I have no expertise!

I do not like being set up to fail!

You need the job to get the loan to get the house!
You need the job to get the loan to get the house!
You need the job to get the loan to get the house!
You need the job to get the loan …

* This is an analogy.  Don't take it literally, even though I might if reading this...

UPDATE: Not only am I flying my Space Shuttle under water, but my navigator is taking a nap!

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